Newsletter October 2014

"Do not confuse the truth with the opinion of the majority"

… because remember…

… everything is relative.

Did you know that…

.... (again) the last month several lovers looked up strange because their pigeons still had a moderate infection after a five-or six-day cancer cure via the drinking water, which was visible in control via the screen in the examination room?

…. cures in drinking water do not work when the ‘R’ is back in the month. Then you need food cures or even better is giving individual capsules for 2 days?

…. lovers who think to know it better and still cure in the drinking water only help building up the resistance and are one of the reasons why the doses of medication has to be multiplied by 6 times over the last 15 years to be still effective?

….this cannot go on forever, because the toxic level will be reached what may cause that we cannot do anything about it anymore because all the cancer products are similar?

….when there is a resistance against the one product the Trichomanas parasite will quickly build a resistance against other products that get used?

….in an article in last Augusts edition of the Veterinarian science magazine, they wrote that the there is a new Trichomina kind in the east of the US. This one already cost a lot of lives of the wild pigeons over there?

…., by coincidence, we determined that Bony Usneano plus, introduced as a condition product, has a inhibitory activity in many infections of Trichominas and Coccidiosis. After curing for a week, although not in all cases, the infection almost disappeared.

….pigeon breeders who give Usneano plus every week (one day) the last season, they did (almost) not have problems with cancer. Again, it was not always the case. But all in all encouraging?
…. Coccidiosis still turns out to be a persistent issue in several lofts?

….this is best to solve after the season?

….this implies that every 14 days, Baycox has to be given in a doses of minimal 4ml per liter during 2 days?

….it is necessary to burn out the loft. Scrubbing and so on doesn’t have the wanted effect because coccidian are not really sensitive for disinfection products?

….Bony Usneanoplus and Coccidian also seem to live with each other in many cases at odds?

….cures in drinking water are in general less affective then food curing or individual treatment?

….cures in drinking water are better to be avoided?

….animals better drink clean water instead of drinking water they distaste?

…. it is a mistake to think that grafting and injection of antibiotics would be the same?

….a lot of breeders still think that an injection of antibiotics is the same as a vaccination?

….a cure has to be given after an injection with most of the products, because else not enough medication will be provided?

…. for this reason alone it is preferable to supply antibiotics to the feed?

…. it is important to sufficiently cure long enough, otherwise not all infection-causing agents are killed?

…. if the animals are treated have moderate to poor resistance, for whatever reason, they may fall to a renewed serious infection quickly?

….for support of the resistance the Bony SGR, Bony Basis T and Bony Sambucca Plus still prove their best services?

…. many lovers have been able to help pull in the shape their pigeons, both young and old, by giving Bony SGR for a week in the drinking water?

…. Bony Base T is very suitable during the moulting period?

….also cooking Bony Herb Tea and giving this as drinking water for a week gives good results. Especially when it is given in combination with moutingvitamines and/or Bonichol of Sedochol?

…. in this months’ Topwings an article is dedicated to streptococci?

….collecting droppings for 5 days and let them examine the excretion of Salmonella bacteria makes more sense than blindly giving a cure?
…. in about 5 weeks after the cure the changes are big that the bacteria’s are to be found in the droppings again?

….it is an illusion to think that with curing alone you can solve paratyphoid problems?

….in case of shedders the combination of cures, injections, disinfection/burning and increasing the overall resistance is the way to really address the problem?

…. half measures are totally pointless?

….the ‘bully-bacteria’(as it is called in the vernacular) had to be contested for at least 8 days, because otherwise the pathogens are not gone?

….this bacteria has no sickness symptoms, but possibly up to probably does play a role in the loss of even experienced pigeons?

….pigeon breeders started to play good again when this infections was solved?

…. you cannot see this bacteria on the microscope with the naked eye?

…. to make the bacteria visible you need a large magnification in combination with a camera and a dark-field microscope?

…. mild infections, not seem to do much to the pigeons just as in the case with light infections of coccidiosis and cancer.

….distance pigeons on training flights of less than 100 km can come back days late when they have these bacteria with them? Even though the experienced pigeons have flown nationally early example Barcelona and Marseille?

….youngster often already stay away from the loft when they carry this bacteria?

…. this problem, although not always, but very often is resolved if action being taken?

….I, since year and day, despite the unfounded criticism, prefer to keep everybody in their own value?

…. there are more important things in life than worrying about such expressions of frustration?

…. however, everyone is free to play with a boomerang?

…. I certainly do not want to be the smartest kid in the class, but would like to continue to explore whether and why these ‘Bully’ does play a thorough role in the pigeon sport?

…. the results after treatment against it, again this year have not lied and pigeon breeders therefore generally very satisfied?

….this thing will not be the cause of all the troubles, but possibly could be a additional agent where we have to keep an eye on?

…. I wrote an article at the beginning of this century, about the usefulness of omega 3 in the development of the brains of animals?

…. now established that more than 1000 times more connections between brain cells are formed when animals get enough omega 3 during the development of the brains?

…. depth studies in America and England (Oxford) proved that the intelligence of the people may be increased and may take behavioral disorders, depressions decries?

…. studies in puppies have shown that their brains develop better by the omega 3 fatty acids and that these puppies at 10 weeks are smarter than pups who were not given extra omega 3?

…. maintain this lead remained at a later age?

…. practice shows that the youngsters really are not dumber of when they get omega 3 in the breeding period?

…. Gert-Jan Beute then did a survey amongst the pigeons doctors what they thought of my contention that it could play a role in the development of the intelligence of the youngsters?

…. everybody had the option that it was the biggest nonsense?

…. since then gradually every pigeon doctor has their own Omega 3 on the market, even the biggest nonsense callers of that time? Now recall how important it is?

…. Omega 3 oil has more benefits?

…. Omega 3 oils are to be regarded as a kind of oxygen magnets for the cells to enable them to function better. Something which is very important for muscle?

…. these fatty acids also reduce inflammation? In contrast to the omega-6 fatty acids that actually promote the inflammatory response?

…. that humans and animals get way to much omega 6 true the food as is good for one?

…. 1900 this ratio around 2: 1 and is now up to 25: 1 to the detriment of the Omega 3

…. one and the other is associated with lifestyle diseases in humans and animals resulting increasingly?


‘All truths must go through three phases: first they are ridiculed, then it is violently resisting offered. Then it is accepted as a matter of course.’
(Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860)

Good Luck!

Peter Boskamp