Fungal infections

Fungal infections

Fungal infections in birds may play an important role in the insufficient shape of racing pigeons. The molds can produce toxins that are harmful to the body of the host. One of the symptoms may be fatigue. This is difficult to determine in pigeon, except that the flight performance drops and inadequate training occurs. Furthermore, birds exhibit few symptoms of fungal infections. The cause of the abundance of fungi is to be found in the provision of antibiotics. Antibiotics work against bacteria but not against fungi. Indeed the too frequent use of antibiotics increases the likelihood of stimulated mold growth . Therefore it is important to limit the use of antibiotics. Is a fungus found in pigeon in the head or in the stool, treatment is required. Unfortunately, combating fungi is expensive (eg Nystatin) and it should be given long term.To give prolonged antifungal drugs (antifungals) during the season usually fails. In addition, these infections are often associated with other concurrent infections, such as bacteria and viruses. This makes treatment more difficult. Bony-SGR regularly supplied, can contribute to a healthy intestinal flora, reducing the chance of mold growth in a natural way. Also if fungal infections are established, Bony-SGR contributes to a recovery of the pigeons.


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